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Fake job scams are skyrocketing online - and they're getting harder to detect
Jobs scams are on the rise
Scammers Targeting Job Seekers as Layoffs Mount
That new job offer may be a scam
Fake job postings are stealing applicants’ money and identities

Listen to what they say


Sophia, 34 years old, full-time housewife

After getting married, I have been a full-time housewife with no income and rely entirely on my husband to make money. Until two years ago, I found a full-time remote job here

Taxi driver

Vincent, 28 years old, taxi driver

After working remotely, I can increase my income by about A$ 8.000 per month. I am relatively old and lack many skills, mainly working in online sales

Truck driver

48 year old truck driver

I'm a 48-year-old truck driver. Recently, I discovered a remote work opportunity that allowed me to earn extra income. I want to share with you that remote work can bring you greater flexibility and income opportunities. Don't be afraid to give it a try, believe in your abilities, and you can achieve more goals. Join the remote work community, and you'll be pleasantly surprised by its charm and potential. Good luck!

Millions of professionals are
already enjoying a remote job.